- I find it hard to tolerate incompetence
- I was so looking forward to using my new iphone today
- Things like this have happened before
- Really it went back to how it could have gone wrong
Who are the people you have worked with?
Who are the people who inspire and empower you?
Have you told them lately how much them being in your life means to you?
Could you?
It's Christmas- write a testimonial for someone who you think rocks! Give someone a gift to say thank you or a beautiful handwritten note (these days it is all about the Facebook or Twitter and not enough about the handmade cards). Or look/think of some of the lovely things people have said about or to you. Have a bless fest of your very own!
Beautiful words and actions can have a beautiful impact and shares the love around. I am off to write some myself but here are a few people have written to me:
To whom it may concern:
Since engaging Yvonne Anderson as a coach, I have much gained much more clarity around myself and my actions.
The number of ‘ah ha’ moments has been quite remarkable.
Yvonne’s means and methods of enabling me to have self-insight and to then move forward, has been invaluable. Her help has been instrumental in my (at last) finishing off my novel draft, and dispelling my internal belief that I never finish anything.
I thoroughly recommend Yvonne as a guide and prompter of knowledge about that most important person – yourself.
Peter Kerr, Karori, New Zealand
Working with Yvonne allowed me to dedicate an hour of my time to ME! Yes, it sounds insignificant or perhaps even silly but I found that by working with her to focus on myself, learn and then challenge myself, I have finally started to turn that really loooooooong list of things to do into things that are being done. I came into coaching feeling generally happy with most aspects of my life but just wanting to kick it into a higher gear; feeling like something was missing without being able to pin-point what it was. Things I thought were the big issues (like work conflicts, new positions), upon reflection, have paled in significance against far more exciting ventures like travel - fulfilling my childhood dream of getting a one-way ticket to Europe! I also learned there were things in my "happy" basket that I wanted to work on - like how to argue, discuss and debate with my girlfriend, a feisty, passionate and loving partner. Add into that fitting into a pair of jeans I haven't been able to wear for over 6 months and I am now a very happy little camper!!!
K.H, Implementations & Training Manager, IT company, Melbourne
“I came to Yvonne to try and find my life’s passion and along the way managed to learn more about myself than I thought possible. Yvonne’s style is very laid back and I’ve found her to be a great sounding board for many an idea. Her methods and ideas are based on a variety of her own and others practical experiences. This coupled with her sunny personality and great sense of humour has made our sessions extremely rewarding and buckets of fun. She has opened this often very pragmatic personality to a range of new thoughts and ideas, which I have enjoyed immensely……can’t thank her enough or recommend her too highly!
…oh and did I find my life’s passion? You bet I did!”
PB, FAST, a Microsoft Subsidiary, Melbourne
"Yvonne has a way of getting to the heart of what's blocking you in a gentle and loving way and I always felt much stronger and more focused after our sessions. She works very intuitively and I felt very comfortable and safe talking with her about everything I was experiencing, learning so much about myself and my own role in the unhappy life I had created. I think the name "Safe Space Coaching" is perfect for the work Yvonne does, I trusted her straight away as we discussed even my most upsetting experiences with clarity, wisdom and humour. I am very grateful to Yvonne and would highly recommend her as a coach to anyone who is ready to make positive changes in their life. I now consider Yvonne to be a friend."
“Having Yvonne as a coach has been a turning point in my life. She helped me getting in contact with my values, learning to manage my energy, finding awareness; almost every session was a highlight experience!”
Elsa Wohler, Property Manager, New York, USA
“Yvonne was a great support for me during my coaching sessions. With her excellent listening skills, productive feedback and powerful questions she assisted me in clarifying my goals in both my personal life and career then guided me to achieve them. Achieving these goals has given me a renewed confidence and vitality in being able to tackle any other goals I come across.”
Ivana Williamson, Sales Manager, Melbourne, Australia
Here’s what I know to be true:
That my eyes are blue
That my mouth is big
That my legs and arms are stronger than they’ve ever been
That I could spend all day in the arms of my husband
That I love the sunshine
That I can devour books as if they are going to be lost to me somehow
That I adore chocolate
That I love puppies (even when they become full grown Dogs)
That I love meditating
That I love exercise even more
That I am so very passionate about people living a life they love
That life is so precious and short so we shouldn’t F*c* it up
That I have a theme for each year of my life
That I dance crazily even when I know people might be watching
That I am completely in love with my husband
That I love lots
That I cuddle people probably more than they would like
That I can get really shitty when it is that time of the month
That I sometimes take my weaknesses out on other people
That my ego is dissolving more and more each day
That I am just me
Authentic, relaxed, content, upset, vulnerable
We are becoming ethical consumers. At least I hope we are.
A business whose products and services are made ethically with minimal harm to people, animals and the environment.
Would you want to purchase from anywhere else?
I know I wouldn’t.
I am proud to be a positive buyer. If its cruelty-free (I‘m vegetarian), recycled, organic, biodynamic, fair trade or re-used then chances are it will be in my basket. I shop at Commonsense Organics here in Wellington and I try to get most of my fresh produce from the market (locally grown). Sometimes the need to go to New World (a supermarket) is required though!
I became a vegetarian again at 32 (I was one from ages 12-18) because I could simply not be so two-faced as to state that LOVE is my highest value and then dig into a bloody steak or make a vat of chili with mincemeat.
I do however (and I am so ashamed to admit this) still occasionally wear my leather jacket!!!! I know it is awful and yet it is one jacket that seems to go well with lots of different outfits.
Does this make me a fraud? Don’t answer that…
So we are becoming more aware of who to do business with and who to avoid like the plague.
For 2012 I would like to know more about how I can buy more ethically and I would urge you to do some digging too.
If we all move from cruelty to cruelty-free and caged to free range then we can take a step in an ethical direction.
I’ll have to re-think the leather jacket…
Photo above Creative Commons: Andy Roberts Photos